Tuesday, November 18, 2014

at the beach

early 2014, I guess towards the end of what we call "winter"...

jus a few snaps...


Monday, November 10, 2014

total nonsense..

apple juice..is eww...
we won the game on saturday..not a gud performance..ws ok..need more goals..v shud b more lethal..

i broke my guitar string(again)..2 months back..n m yet to get it repaired..yh..i hv been trying to learn to play it..it wil take a decade.yes...tht shud b it..

ws jus listening to the song..never had by oscar isaac
brilliant one..

Through the good times and the bad
You were the best I never had
The only chance I wish I had to take
But there was no writing on the wall
No warning signs to follow
I know now and I just cant forget
You’re the best I never had

m jus blabbering..i hav written three completely unrelated things in one post..

a small event took place..a few mins ago..on whatsapp for me..kinda made me write..

u knw how for some people certain things are jus natural..it jus comes to them..they dont require..too much effort..a gift sort....inborn talent..a smart blogger is jus..brilliant at writing abt sumthing..nething..n its wow..
..yh it does require alot of work..but they hv tht assurance tht yes we will eventually do it..

then there r some..who hv to work towards it...50-50 chance of success..they r new to this..they lyk the idea..but they dont knw if they r gud at it..they want to hv a shot at it newayz..

m tht sort..btw

the 2nd category..they tend to get annoyed at tyms...cos it doesnt work out easily..its not 2+2 for them..its more of cos and tan and algebra sort...(never lyked maths in skool)..nailed it in college tho..

but in the end..it ..this hard work..givs them a broader smile...the peace of mind..is jus..its jus amazing..

so..cheer up..
it might not work out today..
will happen tomorrow..
or the day after..
if not..go take a break..watch a movie..blabber some random stuff to ur friends..scribble on the wall..no..dont do tht..on paper..have some fun..
n try again...

i dont think the title goes with the post..or does it??

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The result..

yh yh..we lost..but..yep..here it goes...

m not defending utd..smalling ws foolish..the first card..i dont really think it shud hv been der..i gues..the emotions got better of him and hart too had a hand in it..i mean v see dis quite a lot..player standing in front of the keeper hoping to steal the ball or divert his attention..i admit smalling shudnt hv been der..its not his job

but then again..hart cud hv simply hung onto the ball..it wasnt lyk the game ws over or sumthing..the ref on the other hand cud hv simply warned smalling..n got on wid it..i mean city shud hv had a yellow card jus a few min before..but ref chose not to(Zabaleta ws late on RVP)....n here he books smalling..

it ws stupid...yes der r rules which might say smalling is ryt to b booked..but then again so is zabaleta..isnt it?

penalties..yep..der were..no doubt..
abt the aguero one..yes der ws slight touch..but..with so many united players around him..i gues the ref missed it..i gues carrick had the first touch..n den felliani..

i am quite shocked..city managed on one goal..
i ws expecting atleast 3-4...

i gues even down with 10 men..we were solid..ohh the run frm rooney..ahhh..if only he had finished it..
van persie ws brilliant..di maria..felliani shud hv headed those two..a free kick n corner i guess...

shaw ws brilliant..calm n composed...

valencia..i dont lyk him n januzaj on one side of the pitch..

januzaj is not defensively skilled enuf...n valencia..i feel he tends to sleep off..he ws better after the red card...
but still..v need an rb..an experienced one..

i gues with rafa out..saidy janko might get a few games..havent seen him play....

i cant complain abt our remaining players...v missed some fantastic chances..but v were gud..

v were a better team in the last mins....cmon..city ..11 men against 10...yet they shut the shop n had everyone behind...
u have to admit..our front 3 of rooney di maria and van persie gave u a scare...

then i actually dont think it ws shutting the shop..i gues cos of the champions league game..they decided to rest aguero...

u hv the bragging ryts..but those few mins starting from rooney's run..v cud hv won it...yes..u wil lauf at it...but look at the chances we created...had we jus put 2 of dem away...

we let down ourselves at the final touch...
but v were brave...jus lyk the old times..

i njoyed it..the loss..yes i enjoyed it..cos i cud see the spirit..manchester might b blue now..but we wil paint it red...sooon...n no..v r not winning the league..but we wil b fine..

wid so many injuries..n a makeshift defence..city managed jus one goal..v might b worse off then last year..but we wil b fine..

ON we go den...

Derby time!!

Big sunday!!..its derby time..

man city vs man utd..through and through a united fan..
i knw i knw..not doing so well..v are being kinda dumb at times...but once a red devil always a red devil..so m stil pretty optimistic...
and with rooney back..its gonna b super awsm...

ws hoping for a formation lyk..

De gea

Rafael   Smalling    Rojo    Shaw

Blind Felliani
Herrera                        Di maria
Van persie

I feel its quite balanced..blind n felliani ..i happy to have herrera back..my line up..if valencia is fit..then i would opt for him..cos of his stronger physique..city r quite physical...or i would bring valencia on a lil later..if v r winning..and januzaj in the 70th min..n play him as cam..moving rooney further down..taking van persie off..

Felliani..has been gud..pretty gud in the last two games..i think v need his presence..him taking care of toure..
him, n blind..i feel pretty calm when the ball is in the midfield with these two..not tht they are super amazing world class midfielders..but better then what we had...
if we get strootman or any gud midfielder in the jan transfer window..it would be perfect..

going off topic..i tend to do tht...
newayz..so yeah..i feel these can do a pretty gud job in the middle..also herrera is der to assist..i jus love tht guy..he is..amazing..not di maria amazing..but..amazing in his own way..

and ofcourse rooney, di maria n van persie ...i feel v r quite settled in the attack dept..i mean v hav brilliant players..obviously they wil take sometime to get an understanding of each other..

on the bench: januzaj, wilson, carrick, blackett, lindegard

jus slightly worried abt our defence ..tends to sleep off at tyms..n tht wil be deadly wid aguero around...heard silva is injured..thts a plus..but i dont really think tht decides who wins..city r pretty gud..wid silva there is a higher level of assurance.i mean atleast thts wht i feel..without him?..jus slightly drops...but a threat nevertheless..

btw..i too think its chelsea's year..not cos they r winning...dunno if they wil go on without a defeat til the end..but cos its all gelled up well..der is brilliant understanding.n with the addition of costa and fabregas..the puzzle has been completed..avg age is i gues 27...so..pretty experienced..and most of the players r approaching their peaks..

see..again..off topic..sort off..

Hoping this is the game where it al comes together for utd in this game..

it wil b colossal..cant help but smile!!;)

Gud luck!!

PS-No offence to any fan..these r jus views..jus thoughts..no bashing..let this remain a friendly post...